If your pet suffers from any type of allergy and skin care problems, you should seek the guidance of our trusted veterinarians at Nall Hills Animal Hospital in Overland Park, KS.
Symptoms of Allergies & Skin Care Problems
Symptoms can range from mild to severe. In some cases, you may not realize your pet has an allergy, you may suspect something entirely different. For example; it is common for dogs to develop an ear infection when their allergies flare up.
Any animal is more likely to get a skin infection from chewing or scratching at the skin that itches. Regardless of how your pet reacts when you notice something is going on with them, you should take them to see a veterinarian at Nall Hills Animal Hospital in Overland Park, KS just to have them examined.

Common Symptoms
- Itchy skin (skin tears from scratching or biting)
- Itchy and watery eyes
- A runny nose or stuffy nose
- Inflammation (swelling)
- Skin infections
- Redness, swelling, and inflammation at the site if allergic to bees or certain bug bites
- Sneezing
- Chewing paws
- Shaking head/ scratching ears
If your furry family member is known to have an allergy to a specific food or environmental allergen it may escalate the more they eat or are exposed to it, which can cause anaphylactic shock (a life-threatening condition). If this ever happens to get your pet to a Veterinarian in Overland Park.
Treatment Plan for Allergies and Skin Care
Pets are just as susceptible to allergies and skin care problems as humans are, our pets can be allergic to any number of allergens – their symptoms can be mild to severe. The treatment plans that our veterinarians in Overland Park creates is based on the type of allergy (if known), the severity of the allergy, the severity of the skin care problems caused by the allergy, and any secondary complications such as infections caused by tearing of the skin or ear infections.
Medications for Allergies & Skin Care Problems
- Antibiotics for skin infections, ear infections, other infections caused by a bacterial or fungal infection entering an open wound caused by scratching or biting.
- Allergy medicine can also be prescribed to help lessen the symptoms. Always ask before hiding a human allergy pill in your pets’ food!
- Pain medication to ease discomfort
- In severe cases, allergy shots can be considered
There is a lot that our veterinarians in Overland Park must take into consideration before treatment can begin. The first step is getting your furry family member to the Nall Hills Animal Hospital in Overland Park, KS for an examination. You can contact us at 913-341-8836 to set up an appointment.
Allergy FAQs
How Do Dogs or Cats Get Allergies?
Like people, certain substances can trigger allergic reactions in pets. Your pet could be allergic to substances in his environment, flea bites, or certain foods. Once your pet is exposed to these allergens, he could start experiencing symptoms such as excessive scratching, skin rash, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, or other allergic reactions.
What Signs Indicate My Pet May Have Allergies?
Allergic reactions may differ from one pet to the next. In general, however, the following signs could indicate your pet has some type of allergy:
- Non-stop itching and scratching
- Constantly licking, biting, or chewing different parts of his body
- Redness on his skin
- Recurring skin or ear infections
- Foul smelling fur or skin
- Skin rashes
- Respiratory problems
- Vomiting or diarrhea
The sooner you have your pet tested by your Overland Park vet, the sooner we can identify the allergen and recommend treatment to relieve your pet of these aggravating symptoms.
What Types of Allergies Can Pets Get?
The most common types of pet allergies are seasonal (environmental) allergies, flea saliva allergies, and food allergies. If your pet has environmental allergies, he could be allergic to tree pollen, dust mites, chemicals in his grooming products, or other household substances. Some pets are allergic to certain proteins in foods. Your kit or pup could also be allergic to flea saliva, causing all kinds of irritations on his skin.
How Are Allergies in Pets Diagnosed?
We’ll conduct a physical exam of your pet and review his symptoms to determine what’s causing his condition. We may conduct blood or skin tests to pinpoint the allergen. For food allergies, we may put your pet on a special diet, reintroducing foods one at a time over a period of weeks to see which food causes a reaction. Once a certain type of food has been identified as an allergen, you can eliminate it from his diet to alleviate symptoms.
How Are Pet Allergies Treated?
When possible, we recommend eliminating the allergen from your pet’s environment or diet to alleviate symptoms. We may also recommend oral or topical medications to help manage your pet’s allergy symptoms.