Congratulations—you’ve welcomed a new pet into your Overland Park, KS area home! Of course, you want the very best veterinary care for your new family member. Spay and neuter procedures provided by your veterinarian in Overland Park are a vital part of protecting your pet’s health. You’ll be benefiting society as well. Each year, millions of dogs and cats end up in shelters, unable to find a home, and are euthanized. Spaying and neutering our pets is the best way to prevent this sad outcome.
Health Benefits of Spay and Neuter Procedures
Females that are spayed (removal of uterus and ovaries) before going into heat for the first time have a much lower risk for breast cancer, and no risk for uterine cancer and infections. Neutering (removal of testicles) protects males from testicular cancer and some prostate disorders. Spay and neuter surgery at Nall Hills Animal Hospital in Overland Park can also reduce some hormone-related behavior issues, such as excessively marking territory with urine, roaming to look for a mate, and aggressiveness.
And don’t worry: spaying and neutering won’t cause pets to become overweight. Any slowdown of their metabolism can easily be addressed by a healthy diet and exercise. Your neutered male won’t suddenly have a different personality due to his lower testosterone level. He may potentially be less aggressive, but his own unique personality and training are a much bigger factor in his behavior.

Your Pet’s Surgery at Nall Hills Animal Hospital
The best age to spay and neuter dogs is six to nine months, and for cats, age six months. Laser surgery is also an option; this dramatically reduces pain, swelling, and bleeding associated with the surgery. ask your veterinarian in Overland Park for details. At Nall Hills Animal Hospital, Dr. Warren, Dr. Teeter, and Dr. Minor each have decades of caring experience and are dedicated to making your pet comfortable during and after surgery. They provide on-premise blood tests to make sure your cat or dog has the proper anesthesia, as well as pain medications for your pet’s comfort.
Our veterinarians will give you detailed instructions for care after surgery, including tasks such as checking the incision site each day to look for signs of infection, limiting your pet’s exertion and contact with other animals, and holding off on baths. If your pet has diarrhea, vomiting, poor appetite, lack of energy, or any other symptoms you’re concerned about, call our veterinarian in Overland Park.
Before you know it, your pet will be fully recovered and ready for a healthy life of affection. To learn more, give us a call at 913-341-8836 or visit us at Nall Hills Animal Hospital.
Spay & Neuter FAQs
Why Do I Need to Spay or Neuter My Pet?
There are several reasons why someone needs to spay or neuter their pet. This is, by far, the most effective form of birth control for dogs and cats. Many people refer to this as “fixing” their pet. This is a necessary procedure because it keeps the homeless pet population down while also leading to a longer and healthier life for the pet.
Don’t Shelters Take Care of Surplus Dogs and Cats?
This is a common misconception. Shelters aren’t actually supposed to take care of added animals. They are supposed to place animals with loving families. Often times, when they are unable to place an animal with a family, the animal ends up being put down.
Will My One Dog or Cat Really Matter That Much?
It is true that if your dog or cat has babies, those babies might eventually find homes. However, every home taken by that puppy or kitten is actually one fewer home for an animal that is already homeless. This could lead to more animals being euthanized.
What are the Other Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?
In addition to birth control, there are a number of other benefits to note. For example, pets will not go into heat after this procedure. “Heat” is the term used to describe the time when pets are receptive sexually and this cycle can impact their personalities. This procedure will also reduce the constant crying and pacing that results from pets that are trying to find a mate. After spaying and neutering, most animals are less likely to urinate on objects in order to mark their territory or stop it altogether. Finally, the procedure also saves the pet owner a large amount of time and money that is associated with animal pregnancies.